January 2025 Meeting

Please join us as we kick off the New Year with discussion about the proposition 414 that will be on the ballot soon.  Prop 414 wants to add a half cent sales tax to the people.  Our speakers are Josh Jacobsen from Tucson Crime Coalition and Chris DeSimone from Wake Up Tucson.

We meet at the La Paloma Country Club, 11:30 networking and meeting begins at noon. $30.00 pp, RSVP joanmperl@gmail.com.

Winners, Losers of 2024 Election – What’s Next? November PCRWC Meeting

Join us on Thursday the 21st of November at 11:30 at the CoffeeXChange for our election wrap up with special guest Bruce Ash.

In 2007, Bruce was elected as the Republican Party of Arizona’s state committeeman and the RNC Committeeman and served in several capacities until 2020. Bruce will do an analysis of the election and provide insight as to where we go from here. We hope you will attend this informative meeting and let our former national committeeman guide us forward with his experience and wisdom.